​Open Arms Adoption Agency, a program of JFSA, is licensed by the State of Nevada as a child-placing agency. The goal of the Agency’s adoption program is to provide professional adoption services; work with birth parents that are considering adoption of their children and to assist in the placement of infants in permanent family homes. To achieve this goal, there will be counseling with birth parents, consent processing, and group training sessions for pre-adoptive couples and individuals, home study screening and counseling for couples or individuals wanting to adopt, pre-placement and post-placement supervision of infants, and work with referral sources and licensed adoption facilitators and attorneys both in Nevada and out of state. The primary purpose will be to ensure the best emotional, spiritual, material, and physical need of the individual infant.
Open Arms Adoption Agency’s fundamental purpose is to maintain and strengthen family life and relationships through the provision of professional services. With this in mind, part of the adoption program includes parenting education.
To fulfill Open Arms Adoption Agency’s intent of determining who is best prepared to meet the emotional, material, physical, and spiritual needs of an infant, counseling and preparation for the adoption experience will be available for the birth parents and potential adoptive parents. The purpose and intent is to ensure a healthy adjustment for all members involved in the adoption.
Adoptive screening will include an assessment of the applicant’s maturity and adjustment, marital relationship, health, financial situation, and feelings about adoption and placement.
The program will be geared to the placement of healthy infants and will meet all state guidelines for such. An agency staffed review team will determine the best placement for each child. Specific adoptions will not be based on the religion, race or sexual orientation of the family but on the wishes of the birth parent(s). Open Arms Adoption Agency’s adoption program will be responsive to the emergency needs of both birth parents and adoptive parents. As a result, the program is open to all persons seven days a week if necessary.


One Step at a Time
Open Arms Adoption has a caring staff of professionals and seeks to provide a family-like atmosphere to assist our birth parents. We pride ourselves on providing, prompt and ethical services to all parents.
We provide the following services:
Birth parent counseling.
Birth parent financial assistance may be available on a case-by-case basis.
Assistance with applying for:
Medical insurance
Housing assistance
Other resources
Adoption planning services to help birth parents choose the best possible adoptive family for their needs.
All services are free of charge to the birth parent.
You've decided to adopt. Congratulations!
Now you're faced with another important decision - which agency you'll choose to help make your dream a reality?
Open Arms Adoption Agency is a non-sectarian, non-profit child placing agency licensed by the State of Nevada to provide the following services:
Birth parent adoption counseling
Adoption home study assessments
Adoptive family training and preparation
Adoptive placements
Post placement supervision
Temporary infant boarding foster care in licensed foster homes
Adoption support and information meetings